Amena Hajjar is the founder of Studio Scribble and is a Designer who has grown up around the arts her entire life. As a young girl she would play on her father’s construction sites building masterpieces from left over wood scraps. Amena took life drawing, ceramics, theater, painting, guitar, piano, dance and mime classes all before turning 10. This type of exposure, she remembers, allowed her to explore creative expression and gain confidence in her talents.

Amena holds a Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies from the University of the Arts, in Philadelphia, where she designed her experience to include ceramics,  jewelry making, woodworking, fibers, graphic design, industrial design and architecture. She then went on to receive a Masters in Architecture at SCI Arc, in 
Southern California. After working for a number of prestigious firms in San Francisco and teaching for three years at the Academy of Art, Amena opened her own Design firm in 2004. She has received numerous awards and been published in many books and magazines world wide.

Amena believes the sense of one's self can be nurtured through artistic expression and should, starting day one. Amena and her husband have a daughter who is 2 years old and they are witnessing first hand the value of the arts in her daily life. Amena's goal is to provide an environment where children’s natural sense of curiosity can be free, where there are no rules and where fun is inevitable.
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